-- This table gives deal number from page # -- 028>01 082>14 137>27 193>40 -- 031>02 088>15 140>28 197>41 -- 033>03 092>16 145>29 203>42 -- 040>04 095>17 149>30 225>43 -- 042>05 100>18 150>31 207>44 -- 045>06 103>19 153>32 212>45 -- 049>07 107>20 159>33 218>46 -- 052>08 111>21 163>34 224>47 -- 054>09 118>22 166>35 229>48 -- 063>10 122>23 170>36 241>49 -- 066>11 124>24 176>37 -- 072>12 131>25 183>38 -- 080>13 135>26 190>39 Deal: 1 T642 AKT97 753 4 Contract: 7H-South QJ9 86532 T8 KT6 K8753 - 964 J9752 OnLead: West A QJ4 AKQJ2 AQ83 Lead: SQ Result: makes Commentary: This is a deal from Nick Smith's book Bridge and the Romantics. (2019 edition). This deal is on page 28 in the book. Deal is copied by Kaj G Backas to DeepFinesse. Deals are corrected because cards were duplicted in many deals. Deal: 2 965 82 AKJT AK76 Contract: 6S-South T872 KQ954 - Q852 - AJT763 Q764 JT3 OnLead: West AKQJ43 - 98532 94 Lead: Any Result: makes Commentary: This is a deal from Nick Smith's book Bridge and the Romantics. (2019 edition). This deal is on page 31 in the book. Deal is copied by Kaj G Backas to DeepFinesse. Deals are corrected because cards were duplicted in many deals. Deal: 3 KT AQT2 QJ4 AKJ9 Contract: 3NT-South Q7653 863 T86 83 A98 J975 K95 QT7 OnLead: West J42 K4 A732 6542 Lead: Any Result: makes Commentary: This is a deal from Nick Smith's book Bridge and the Romantics. (2019 edition). This deal is on page 33 in the book. Deal is copied by Kaj G Backas to DeepFinesse. Deals are corrected because cards were duplicted in many deals. Deal: 4 A8 T962 AK642 A7 Contract: 4H-South KQT6 QJ3 5 KQJ94 J95 4 QJT83 8653 OnLead: West 7432 AK875 97 T2 Lead: Any Result: makes Commentary: This is a deal from Nick Smith's book Bridge and the Romantics. (2019 edition). This deal is on page 40 in the book. Deal is copied by Kaj G Backas to DeepFinesse. Deals are corrected because cards were duplicted in many deals. Deal: 5 862 - AT65 AJ7532 Contract: 4H-South QJT74 Q KJ93 K96 AK53 T9763 Q2 84 OnLead: West 9 AKJ8542 874 QT Lead: Any Result: down Commentary: This is a deal from Nick Smith's book Bridge and the Romantics. (2019 edition). This deal is on page 42 in the book. Deal is copied by Kaj G Backas to DeepFinesse. Deals are corrected because cards were duplicted in many deals. Deal: 6 T62 K42 KJT Q753 Contract: 6NT-South Q43 JT98 - KJ8642 K875 765 Q542 T9 OnLead: West AJ9 AQ3 A98763 A Lead: Any Result: down Commentary: This is a deal from Nick Smith's book Bridge and the Romantics. (2019 edition). This deal is on page 45 in the book. Deal is copied by Kaj G Backas to DeepFinesse. Deals are corrected because cards were duplicted in many deals. Deal: 7 9632 - QT95 Q8542 Contract: 2S-South AQ7 J93 AK76 J93 4 KQT7 J842 AT76 OnLead: West KJT85 A86542 3 K Lead: Any Result: down Commentary: This is a deal from Nick Smith's book Bridge and the Romantics. (2019 edition). This deal is on page 49 in the book. Deal is copied by Kaj G Backas to DeepFinesse. Deals are corrected because cards were duplicted in many deals. Deal: 8 AQJT76 4 K7 AJT5 Contract: 4H-South K954 82 Q83 Q732 3 A95 AJT942 964 OnLead: West 82 KQJT763 65 K8 Lead: Any Result: makes Commentary: This is a deal from Nick Smith's book Bridge and the Romantics. (2019 edition). This deal is on page 52 in the book. Deal is copied by Kaj G Backas to DeepFinesse. Deals are corrected because cards were duplicted in many deals. Deal: 9 74 8542 K3 K8742 Contract: 4NT-South 8652 QJT9763 94 - AT3 - AQJT7 JT963 OnLead: West KQJ9 AK 8652 AQ5 Lead: Any Result: down Commentary: This is a deal from Nick Smith's book Bridge and the Romantics. (2019 edition). This deal is on page 54 in the book. Deal is copied by Kaj G Backas to DeepFinesse. Deals are corrected because cards were duplicted in many deals. Deal: 10 54 AQJT9 7 AT543 Contract: 6S-South T9 7532 T8653 82 Q762 K6 KQ9 QJ76 OnLead: West AKJ83 84 AJ42 K9 Lead: Any Result: down Commentary: This is a deal from Nick Smith's book Bridge and the Romantics. (2019 edition). This deal is on page 63 in the book. Deal is copied by Kaj G Backas to DeepFinesse. Deals are corrected because cards were duplicted in many deals. Deal: 11 K5 Q743 K84 7653 Contract: 3NT-South T AT852 QT97 J98 QJ98762 K9 J KT4 OnLead: West A43 J6 A6532 AQ2 Lead: Any Result: down Commentary: This is a deal from Nick Smith's book Bridge and the Romantics. (2019 edition). This deal is on page 66 in the book. Deal is copied by Kaj G Backas to DeepFinesse. Deals are corrected because cards were duplicted in many deals. Deal: 12 3 Q754 AQJ82 863 Contract: 5D-South KQJ7654 T2 65 A4 982 K983 3 JT972 OnLead: West AT AJ6 KT974 KQ5 Lead: Any Result: makes Commentary: This is a deal from Nick Smith's book Bridge and the Romantics. (2019 edition). This deal is on page 72 in the book. Deal is copied by Kaj G Backas to DeepFinesse. Deals are corrected because cards were duplicted in many deals. Deal: 13 AQ75 K7 T KT9432 Contract: 3NT-South 8 J9642 J7632 QJ JT643 T3 K954 A5 OnLead: West K92 AQ85 AQ8 876 Lead: Any Result: down Commentary: This is a deal from Nick Smith's book Bridge and the Romantics. (2019 edition). This deal is on page 80 in the book. Deal is copied by Kaj G Backas to DeepFinesse. Deals are corrected because cards were duplicted in many deals. Deal: 14 K AQJT4 Q76 Q963 Contract: 3NT-South QT98 K9 KJT9 KT4 A653 6532 84 J85 OnLead: West J742 87 A532 A72 Lead: Any Result: down Commentary: This is a deal from Nick Smith's book Bridge and the Romantics. (2019 edition). This deal is on page 82 in the book. Deal is copied by Kaj G Backas to DeepFinesse. Deals are corrected because cards were duplicted in many deals. Deal: 15 A 653 A765432 AQ Contract: 6H-South KJ97 - QT98 K9874 T865432 98742 - 6 OnLead: West Q AKQJT KJ JT532 Lead: Any Result: down Commentary: This is a deal from Nick Smith's book Bridge and the Romantics. (2019 edition). This deal is on page 88 in the book. Deal is copied by Kaj G Backas to DeepFinesse. Deals are corrected because cards were duplicted in many deals. Deal: 16 962 QJ73 AT63 K6 Contract: 4H-South KQT5 A6 74 AJ972 873 4 KQJ952 853 OnLead: West AJ4 KT9852 8 QT4 Lead: Any Result: down Commentary: This is a deal from Nick Smith's book Bridge and the Romantics. (2019 edition). This deal is on page 92 in the book. Deal is copied by Kaj G Backas to DeepFinesse. Deals are corrected because cards were duplicted in many deals. Deal: 17 K A6 JT6532 K842 Contract: 3NT-South 7 J853 Q8 AQJ765 T98653 Q94 K97 T OnLead: West AQJ42 KT72 A4 93 Lead: Any Result: down Commentary: This is a deal from Nick Smith's book Bridge and the Romantics. (2019 edition). This deal is on page 95 in the book. Deal is copied by Kaj G Backas to DeepFinesse. Deals are corrected because cards were duplicted in many deals. Deal: 18 A953 K6432 6432 - Contract: 6D-South 2 J985 T75 QT983 Q876 AT7 J A7652 OnLead: West KJT4 Q AKQ98 KJ4 Lead: Any Result: makes Commentary: This is a deal from Nick Smith's book Bridge and the Romantics. (2019 edition). This deal is on page 100 in the book. Deal is copied by Kaj G Backas to DeepFinesse. Deals are corrected because cards were duplicted in many deals. Deal: 19 AKT4 T3 AK4 7432 Contract: 5D-South 82 KQ984 97 T865 Q9765 A75 T63 Q9 OnLead: West J3 J62 QJ852 AKJ Lead: Any Result: down Commentary: This is a deal from Nick Smith's book Bridge and the Romantics. (2019 edition). This deal is on page 103 in the book. Deal is copied by Kaj G Backas to DeepFinesse. Deals are corrected because cards were duplicted in many deals. Deal: 20 A863 - 86432 9743 Contract: 3NT-South T542 9 KQJT9 J86 K9 KQT76542 5 KT OnLead: West QJ7 AJ83 A7 AQ52 Lead: Any Result: makes Commentary: This is a deal from Nick Smith's book Bridge and the Romantics. (2019 edition). This deal is on page 107 in the book. Deal is copied by Kaj G Backas to DeepFinesse. Deals are corrected because cards were duplicted in many deals. Deal: 21 J972 - AT8753 KT7 Contract: 6NT-South 5 T9862 J9642 95 AQ864 543 - J6432 OnLead: West KT3 AKQJ7 KQ AQ8 Lead: Any Result: makes Commentary: This is a deal from Nick Smith's book Bridge and the Romantics. (2019 edition). This deal is on page 111 in the book. Deal is copied by Kaj G Backas to DeepFinesse. Deals are corrected because cards were duplicted in many deals. Deal: 22 AK9 Q642 743 AJ3 Contract: 6D-South T8 T873 986 T864 Q75432 K9 KJ KQ5 OnLead: West J6 AJ5 AQT52 972 Lead: Any Result: down Commentary: This is a deal from Nick Smith's book Bridge and the Romantics. (2019 edition). This deal is on page 118 in the book. Deal is copied by Kaj G Backas to DeepFinesse. Deals are corrected because cards were duplicted in many deals. Deal: 23 AKJ9 KJT9 KQ42 Q Contract: 3NT-South Q74 862 96 K9643 852 AQ JT85 JT72 OnLead: West T63 7543 A73 A85 Lead: Any Result: down Commentary: This is a deal from Nick Smith's book Bridge and the Romantics. (2019 edition). This deal is on page 112 in the book. Deal is copied by Kaj G Backas to DeepFinesse. Deals are corrected because cards were duplicted in many deals. Deal: 24 Q852 A65 Q43 AK4 Contract: 3NT-South T763 K8732 T J75 KJ9 J9 AJ95 Q962 OnLead: West A4 QT4 K8762 T83 Lead: Any Result: down Commentary: This is a deal from Nick Smith's book Bridge and the Romantics. (2019 edition). This deal is on page 124 in the book. Deal is copied by Kaj G Backas to DeepFinesse. Deals are corrected because cards were duplicted in many deals. Deal: 25 7632 AJ4 AQT53 8 Contract: 4H-South Q 86 876 QT97632 KJT98 KT9 KJ42 J OnLead: West A54 Q7532 9 AK54 Lead: Any Result: -1 Commentary: This is a deal from Nick Smith's book Bridge and the Romantics. (2019 edition). This deal is on page 131 in the book. Deal is copied by Kaj G Backas to DeepFinesse. Deals are corrected because cards were duplicted in many deals. Deal: 26 972 AKJ2 - T96542 Contract: 6H-South KT6 Q KJ97642 KJ QJ8 - AQT853 Q873 OnLead: West A543 T9876543 - A Lead: Any Result: makes Commentary: This is a deal from Nick Smith's book Bridge and the Romantics. (2019 edition). This deal is on page 135 in the book. Deal is copied by Kaj G Backas to DeepFinesse. Deals are corrected because cards were duplicted in many deals. Deal: 27 KT2 KJ4 763 AK85 Contract: 4H-South Q984 96 AQ82 T94 J753 873 JT4 QJ7 OnLead: West A6 AQT52 K95 632 Lead: Any Result: makes Commentary: This is a deal from Nick Smith's book Bridge and the Romantics. (2019 edition). This deal is on page 137 in the book. Deal is copied by Kaj G Backas to DeepFinesse. Deals are corrected because cards were duplicted in many deals. Deal: 28 Q632 K43 A98 652 Contract: 6NT-South T874 JT8 K6 Q743 K95 9765 T54 KT9 OnLead: West AJ AQ2 QJ732 AJ8 Lead: Any Result: down Commentary: This is a deal from Nick Smith's book Bridge and the Romantics. (2019 edition). This deal is on page 140 in the book. Deal is copied by Kaj G Backas to DeepFinesse. Deals are corrected because cards were duplicted in many deals. Deal: 29 9753 A2 QJ964 Q2 Contract: 3NT-South 6 KT93 52 J97543 AJT84 QJ7 A3 K86 OnLead: West KQ2 8654 KT87 AT Lead: Any Result: down Commentary: This is a deal from Nick Smith's book Bridge and the Romantics. (2019 edition). This deal is on page 145 in the book. Deal is copied by Kaj G Backas to DeepFinesse. Deals are corrected because cards were duplicted in many deals. Deal: 30 J86 AJ4 A - Partial Deal: 7H-NS K K8 9 K86 T72 96 4 T OnLead: South A9 Q7 - J93 Lead: Any Result: +1 Commentary: This is a deal from Nick Smith's book Bridge and the Romantics. (2019 edition). This deal is on page 149 in the book. Deal is copied by Kaj G Backas to DeepFinesse. Deals are corrected because cards were duplicted in many deals. Deal: 31 9754 Q73 7 AK865 Contract: 3NT-South T 82 KQJT9642 J3 AJ62 AKT64 8 T92 OnLead: West KQ83 J95 A53 Q74 Lead: Any Result: down Commentary: This is a deal from Nick Smith's book Bridge and the Romantics. (2019 edition). This deal is on page 150 in the book. Deal is copied by Kaj G Backas to DeepFinesse. Deals are corrected because cards were duplicted in many deals. Deal: 32 KQ82 9 73 AJT873 Contract: 3NT-South J543 83 KJ954 52 A976 QJ64 Q8 Q64 OnLead: West T AKT752 AT62 K9 Lead: Any Result: makes Commentary: This is a deal from Nick Smith's book Bridge and the Romantics. (2019 edition). This deal is on page 153 in the book. Deal is copied by Kaj G Backas to DeepFinesse. Deals are corrected because cards were duplicted in many deals. Deal: 33 972 AQ42 KT4 A94 Contract: 6S-South 5 KT83 Q952 QJ65 KT4 J975 J76 K82 OnLead: West AQJ863 6 A83 T73 Lead: Any Result: down Commentary: This is a deal from Nick Smith's book Bridge and the Romantics. (2019 edition). This deal is on page 159 in the book. Deal is copied by Kaj G Backas to DeepFinesse. Deals are corrected because cards were duplicted in many deals. Deal: 34 AQ4 Q83 Q85 6432 Contract: 3NT-South T9763 K5 KJ3 AKQ J J97642 97642 J OnLead: West K852 AT AT T9875 Lead: Any Result: down Commentary: This is a deal from Nick Smith's book Bridge and the Romantics. (2019 edition). This deal is on page 163 in the book. Deal is copied by Kaj G Backas to DeepFinesse. Deals are corrected because cards were duplicted in many deals. Deal: 35 43 652 AT42 AQ72 Contract: 4H-South QT952 T J3 J9654 AJ7 AKJ Q875 T83 OnLead: West K86 Q98743 K96 K Lead: Any Result: down Commentary: This is a deal from Nick Smith's book Bridge and the Romantics. (2019 edition). This deal is on page 166 in the book. Deal is copied by Kaj G Backas to DeepFinesse. Deals are corrected because cards were duplicted in many deals. Deal: 36 AKJ4 T732 4 A932 Contract: 3NT-South QT93 95 873 KJ75 86 KQJ84 KQT96 4 OnLead: West 752 A6 AJ52 QT86 Lead: Any Result: down Commentary: This is a deal from Nick Smith's book Bridge and the Romantics. (2019 edition). This deal is on page 170 in the book. Deal is copied by Kaj G Backas to DeepFinesse. Deals are corrected because cards were duplicted in many deals. Deal: 37 AQ9 75 T97642 K6 Contract: 4H-South T743 942 A5 J982 865 86 KQJ83 AQ3 OnLead: West KJ2 AKQJT3 - T754 Lead: Any Result: down Commentary: This is a deal from Nick Smith's book Bridge and the Romantics. (2019 edition). This deal is on page 176 in the book. Deal is copied by Kaj G Backas to DeepFinesse. Deals are corrected because cards were duplicted in many deals. Deal: 38 T64 QT942 - Q8653 Contract: 3NT-South AJ9852 J865 865 - 7 AK73 KJT42 T94 OnLead: West KQ3 - AQ973 AKJ72 Lead: Any Result: ? Commentary: This is a deal from Nick Smith's book Bridge and the Romantics. (2019 edition). This deal is on page 183 in the book. Deal is copied by Kaj G Backas to DeepFinesse. Deals are corrected because cards were duplicted in many deals. Deal: 39 632 642 AKJ8 Q65 Contract: 4H-South JT854 - 97632 T72 AKQ T83 QT54 KJ9 OnLead: West 97 AKQJ975 - A843 Lead: Any Result: down Commentary: This is a deal from Nick Smith's book Bridge and the Romantics. (2019 edition). This deal is on page 190 in the book. Deal is copied by Kaj G Backas to DeepFinesse. Deals are corrected because cards were duplicted in many deals. Deal: 40 QT962 JT3 K5 J86 Contract: 3NT-South AJ74 Q5 QJ974 A9 53 7642 862 KT53 OnLead: West K8 AK98 AT3 Q742 Lead: Any Result: makes Commentary: This is a deal from Nick Smith's book Bridge and the Romantics. (2019 edition). This deal is on page 193 in the book. Deal is copied by Kaj G Backas to DeepFinesse. Deals are corrected because cards were duplicted in many deals. Deal: 41 Q753 KJ9 K65 K52 Contract: 6D-South J986 T842 9 JT97 K42 AQ7653 Q43 8 OnLead: West AT - AJT872 AQ643 Lead: Any Result: makes Commentary: This is a deal from Nick Smith's book Bridge and the Romantics. (2019 edition). This deal is on page 197 in the book. Deal is copied by Kaj G Backas to DeepFinesse. Deals are corrected because cards were duplicted in many deals. Deal: 42 AQJ64 AQ53 6432 - Contract: 5D-South KT9532 T86 Q QJ9 - KJ9 K85 KT87653 OnLead: West 87 742 AJT97 A42 Lead: CQ Result: down Commentary: This is a deal from Nick Smith's book Bridge and the Romantics. (2019 edition). This deal is on page 203 in the book. Deal is copied by Kaj G Backas to DeepFinesse. Deals are corrected because cards were duplicted in many deals. Deal: 43 4 AK7642 JT AT76 Contract: 6NT-South QT975 QT983 8 K4 J8 J K976532 832 OnLead: West AK632 5 AQ4 QJ95 Lead: Any Result: down Commentary: This is a deal from Nick Smith's book Bridge and the Romantics. (2019 edition). This deal is on page 207 in the book. Deal is copied by Kaj G Backas to DeepFinesse. Deals are corrected because cards were duplicted in many deals. Deal: 44 KJ976 A3 7642 A7 Contract: 4H-South - 72 QT853 KQJ953 A5432 QT6 AKJ9 T OnLead: West QT8 KJ9854 - 8642 Lead: Any Result: makes This is a deal from Nick Smith's book Bridge and the Romantics. (2019 edition). This deal is on page 212 in the book. Deal is copied by Kaj G Backas to DeepFinesse. Deals are corrected because cards were duplicted in many deals. Deal: 45 642 K54 QJ95 J42 Contract: 3NT-South Q7 JT72 876432 Q JT9853 98 AT KT9 OnLead: West AK AQ63 K A87653 Lead: Any Result: makes This is a deal from Nick Smith's book Bridge and the Romantics. (2019 edition). This deal is on page 218 in the book. Deal is copied by Kaj G Backas to DeepFinesse. Deals are corrected because cards were duplicted in many deals. Deal: 46 AJ964 843 A65 J4 Contract: 6NT-South Q52 972 JT974 85 KT7 KJT65 82 963 OnLead: West 83 AQ KQ3 AKQT72 Lead: Any Result: makes Commentary: This is a deal from Nick Smith's book Bridge and the Romantics. (2019 edition). This deal is on page 224 in the book. Deal is copied by Kaj G Backas to DeepFinesse. Deals are corrected because cards were duplicted in many deals. Deal: 47 T QJ5 AKT 975432 Contract: 4H-South K6542 K8 874 QT8 A97 T94 QJ2 AKJ6 OnLead: West QJ83 A7632 9653 - Lead: Any Result: -1 Commentary: This is a deal from Nick Smith's book Bridge and the Romantics. (2019 edition). This deal is on page 225 in the book. Deal is copied by Kaj G Backas to DeepFinesse. Deals are corrected because cards were duplicted in many deals. Deal: 48 A97 K642 942 532 Contract: 4H-South K854 JT97 K6 AQ6 T32 853 753 T974 OnLead: West QJ6 AQ AQJT8 KJ8 Lead: Any Result: down Commentary: This is a deal from Nick Smith's book Bridge and the Romantics. (2019 edition). This deal is on page 229 in the book. Deal is copied by Kaj G Backas to DeepFinesse. Deals are corrected because cards were duplicted in many deals. Deal: 49 - A87 AT7542 A942 Contract: 3NT-South Q987532 Q64 9 KT J4 K52 QJ86 QJ85 OnLead: West AKT6 JT93 K3 763 Lead: Any Result: down Commentary: This is a deal from Nick Smith's book Bridge and the Romantics. (2019 edition). This deal is on page 241 in the book. Deal is copied by Kaj G Backas to DeepFinesse. Deals are corrected because cards were duplicted in many deals.